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Arts & Humanities Insights: Volume One

An answer to the persistent question: What does research look like in the arts and humanities?

Prominent scholars speak directly into the camera and share insights on a wide range of research influences and experiences in this intimate series of first-person, documentary style video portraits. This inspiring series of observations on the systematic investigation into existing or new knowledge helps illuminate the research of scholars engaged in humanistic discovery- conducting research, reviewing literature, observing people, teaching classes and mentoring the next generation of arts and humanities scholars.

These videos seek to: personify faculty in the College of Arts and Humanities; exemplify research topics investigated and tools used by arts and humanities scholars to produce knowledge; and remind the public of the long-term impact of artistic and humanistic research.


September 2012-Judith Hallett
October 2012-Ruth Enid Zambrana
January 2012- Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak
February 2013-Mary Helen Washington
March 2013-Sahar Khamis
April 2012-Colin Phillips
May 2013-Jason Farman



Interviews by Monique Everette; Directed and Produced by Brian Crawford and Monique Everette; Executive Producer: Bonnie Thornton Dill; Featuring Jeffrey McCune (AMST/WMST), Mary Helen Washington (ENGL), Jason Farman (AMST), Judith Hallett (CLAS), Ruth Enid Zambrana (WMST), Sahar Khamis (COMM), Colin Phillips (LING), and Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak (SLLC). Narration: Sheri Parks; Graphic Designer: April Chairs; Researchers: Christopher Perez and Shannon Clash; Video Transcripts: Kelsi Loos, Ashley David, Laura Pavlo